This Viral TikTok Shows The 1 Way Partners Fail Moms During The Holidays
3 weeks ago

This Viral TikTok Shows The 1 Way Partners Fail Moms During The Holidays

Huff Post  

Elizaveta Starkova via Getty Images People on TikTok are relating to a viral video where a mom wakes up to an empty stocking — because her husband didn't fill it. Recently, there’s been a lot of talk on social media about the mental load and emotional labor that occurs when someone in a family is in charge of the majority of household management, with Anway explaining that “‘emotional labor’ and carrying ‘the mental load’ are typically kind of terms that are used interchangeably.” This phenomenon doesn’t just happen with “planning presents and scheduling, but it’s also anticipating other people’s needs putting other people before themselves,” she added. Or, in the case of Jones’ so-called “stocking gate,” the mom has to make sure her family’s Christmas morning experience is joyful and organized — often without taking herself into consideration. “I think a lot of the reasons women run themselves into the ground this time of year is because they don’t feel like they’re good enough,” Anway said. “Comparison culture is so rough.” Instead of trying to get every single thing done and then some, take a moment to appreciate all that you’ve done this holiday season and this year as a whole.

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