Jammu & Kashmir High Court Sets Aside Rape Conviction After 17 Yrs, Says Non-Compliance With Section 313 CrPC Prejudiced Accused
Live LawWhile setting aside a rape conviction handed down 17 years ago, the Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court highlighted a crucial failure on the part of the Trial Court to adhere to the mandatory procedure outlined in Section 313 of the Criminal Procedure Code. It emphasized that convicting the appellant-accused solely based on incriminating evidence, without providing an opportunity to the appellant to address and explain that evidence, was an invalid approach taken by the trial court. "Trial Court without even perusing the statements made by the prosecution witnesses put the same to the appellant without referring the incriminating evidence to the appellant and it has no doubt caused prejudice to the appellant. Thus it observed, "As per the mandate of section 342 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the incriminating evidence brought on record is required to be put to the accused, so as to seek his explanation and in fact thi s provision is an embodiment of the principle of natural justice that no one should be condemned unheard.