The Allahabad High Court has observed that a woman who is raped undergoes two crises- the commission of a crime, where her dignity is wounded and her sense of security is destroyed and the subsequent trial, where she is forced to relive the traumatic experience. While the first seriously wounds her dignity, curbs her individual, destroys her sense of security …
We recently observed the World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, 2019 where we remembered those who succumbed to the clutches of self-sabotage and extended a helping hand to those who are going through the similar pits of fire. Parents and teachers and caregivers are the closest people around that can understand the mental situation of a teenager who has …
The effect of childbirth no-one talks about Getty Millions of women may suffer from postnatal PTSD every year, but stigma surrounding the condition may lead many to try to hide how they are feeling Giving birth can be one of the most painful experiences in a woman’s life, yet the long-term effects that trauma can have on millions of new …