This Finance Book Just Might Change Your Life
5 years, 6 months ago

This Finance Book Just Might Change Your Life

Huff Post  

LOADING ERROR LOADING With the onslaught of money diaries, student loan news and articles about what your savings should be by age 30, it’s hard to know where to start and who to trust when you want to become financially literate. So often the things we talk about when it comes to money are just negative guilt and saying, “You shouldn’t do this.” No, no, no. They are: “Do you think money grows on trees” or, “We don’t talk about money in this family.” And when you go to a high school or college, very rarely are you taught about money. And they wake up when they’re 40 and they say, “Oh man, I better start paying attention to this money thing.” But for the fortunate, the people who make a decision to take control, they can change the entire trajectory of their lives like in a weekend. So people say “rich,” oh that’s like, oh my God, that’s so much money.

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