What is the ‘responsible quantum technologies’ movement? | Explained
5 months, 2 weeks ago

What is the ‘responsible quantum technologies’ movement? | Explained

The Hindu  

The United Nations recently said 2025 will be observed as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology. The WEF’s objective here is to accelerate the development of responsible quantum computing by building trust in the technology during its development to preempt and mitigate potential risks. From another perspective, a group of academics from the U.S., Canada and Europe recently proposed another framework for responsible quantum technologies. Agencies responsible for either promoting or protecting quantum technologies should understand the security implications.” Similarly, it may be naïve to expect the private sector — with its large investments and desire for patents and profits — will favour sharing and openness in the name of responsible quantum technologies. The pursuit of responsible quantum technologies can’t be dismissed as a gimmick.

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