The story so far: On December 13, Ajai Chowdhry, chairman of the Mission Governing Board of the nascent National Quantum Mission, said India plans to launch a quantum satellite in “2-3 years for quantum communications”. The National Quantum Mission is a Department of Science & Technology programme to accelerate the use of quantum physics in the development of next-generation communications …
Sensors – systems that help detect electric and magnetic fields, rotation and acceleration, measure time, and image biological systems with increasing accuracy – are an inalienable part of essential enterprises like healthcare, security, and environmental monitoring today and practically indispensable for day-to-day life. The National Quantum Mission, launched by the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of India, …
The National Quantum Mission is the only mission in the country where technology has not been adopted from any advanced country, said Akhilesh Gupta, in-charge of the NQM, which was approved by the Union Cabinet last week. To propel research He added that the ₹6,003.65-crore National Quantum Mission will allow Indian scientists to develop indigenous technology, systems, devices, and materials …
New Delhi: In an attempt to accelerate quantum technology-led economic growth in India, the Central government on Wednesday approved the National Quantum Mission with an estimated investment of over ₹ 6,000 crore. Briefing the media, science and technology minister Jitendra Singh told reporters here that the Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Wednesday approved the National Quantum …