Advertisement Is Facet Of Commercial Speech Protected By Article 19(1)(A) Of Constitution, Holds Delhi HC [Read Judgment]
Live Law“In fact, the protection given to an “In fact, the protection given to an The Delhi High Court has held that Justice Manmohan was considering a suit filed by Horlicks Ltd for damages and permanent injunction restraining infringement, disparagement and unfair trade practices against HEINZ India Private Limited. The The court held that the COMPLAN That though in comparative advertising a certain amount of disparagement is implicit, yet the same is legal and permissible so long as it does not mislead, the bench added. In this context, the court also opined that that The court also rejected the submission on behalf of the defendant that the judgment of the apex court in Tata Press, which equated commercial advertisement to free speech and held that a corporate entity is entitled to protection under Article 19 of the Constitution, is per incuriam. The court said it is not open to a high court to hold that the Supreme Court judgment is per incuriam.