4 Reasons Full-Fat Plain Yogurt Is Better Than Low-Fat Yogurt
Huff PostGabriela Tulian via Getty Images Have you ever eaten plain yogurt and thought that it tastes like sadness? When it comes to plain yogurt, it’s important to know the main variations: American-style plain whole-milk yogurt, made by brands like Stonyfield, which is about 120 calories and 6 grams of protein per 3/4 cup. “If you’re having flavored yogurt, it might spike your blood sugar more, which leads to more of a crash later on,” said Lauren Sharpe, a Philadelphia-based registered dietitian. Chobani’s raspberry yogurt, for example, has 9 grams of added sugar, compared with about 4 total grams of sugar in the company’s full-fat plain yogurt. Full-fat yogurt will curb your appetite for longer Another benefit of eating yogurt made with whole milk is that you’re more likely to feel full for longer than if you eat low-fat or nonfat yogurt.