Dating red flags: 7 telltale signs you're in a relationship with a narcissist
Hindustan TimesIn early relationships, it can be challenging to see the warning signals of narcissism, but with time, these symptoms become more obvious. Narcissism ranges from healthy self-esteem to extreme forms known as a narcissistic personality disorder, influenced by various factors," says Clinton Power, Relationship counsellor and marriage therapist, in his recent Instagram post. Your partner never hesitates to confront you or others in social situations where he feels he has been wronged The narcissist's first response is to confront, attack, blame, and criticise. Your partner is unable to feel empathy for you and has great difficulty appreciating the feelings and needs of others As a partner, you may feel like discussions are all about your partner's feelings, but very little acknowledgement is made of your feelings. Your partner finds it difficult to sincerely apologise, refuses to admit their fault, and avoids taking responsibility at all costs If your partner has a history of intense but short-term relationships with others or a history of cutting off contact with family members and frequent fall-outs with friends, this could indicate the struggle the narcissist has in sustaining a healthy relationship, feeling empathy for others and taking responsibility for their part in relationship difficulties.