Resident Evil 8: Village accidentally confirmed by a German retailer site GamesOnly
FirstpostResident Evil 8: Village might be a part of the PS5 gameplay reveal event showcase, which was rescheduled for tomorrow. A listing was spotted on a German retailer site GamesOnly, which confirmed Resident Evil 8: Village along with a mock box art and a tagline which states that it could be the “darkest and cruelest addition to the franchise.” The listing was first spotted by Twitter user Ken Xyro, who shared the poster of the Resident Evil Village, along with the link to the GamesOnly website. The leaked listing sparked rumours that Resident Evil 8: Village will be a part of the PS5 gameplay reveal event showcase, which was rescheduled for tomorrow. A report in ScreenRant mentions that Resident Evil 8 will be the first new mainline game from the franchise in nearly three years.