Kerala High Court Allows State To Acquire Nedumpala Estate and Elstone Tea Estate In Wayanad For Rehabilitation Of Landslide Victims
Live LawThe Kerala High Court on Friday held that the State can take over the Nedumbala estate and Elstone tea estates in Wayanad for rehabilitation purposes post the July 30 landslide, under the Disaster Management Act, 2015. Justice Kauser Edappagath also said that the government shall determine the total amount of compensation to be awarded to the petitioners for taking over/acquiring the subject properties as per the provisions in Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013. The petitioner companies claimed to be title holder in possession of two properties in the area had challenged a October 4 government order according sanction and approval for setting up a model township after the Wayanad landslide in July for rehabilitating the disaster victims, mainly on the ground that it was issued beyond the powers under the DM Act, 2005 and is violative of the provisions contained in Article 300A of the Constitution of India. The Court in the instant case, observed that as per the law laid down in State of Kerala v Dr, Biju Ramesh and Another, that the District Disaster Management Authority is competent to take any measure for disaster management including permanently taking over/ acquiring land of a private person/ entity to rehabilitate the disaster victims and reconstruct the damage caused by the victim.