The Kerala High Court on Friday held that the State can take over the Nedumbala estate and Elstone tea estates in Wayanad for rehabilitation purposes post the July 30 landslide, under the Disaster Management Act, 2015. Justice Kauser Edappagath also said that the government shall determine the total amount of compensation to be awarded to the petitioners for taking over/acquiring …
Senior Advocate Ravindra Srivastava, for the group, told the bench of Justices Ashok Bhushan, R. Subhash Reddy and M. R. Shah that the banks are "prevailing over" the government and the RBI and "making huge profits". Mr. Srivastava argued that while the Kamath committee had mentioned 26 sectors as having been severely-impacted during the Covid pandemic, the waiver of compound …
The Karnataka High Court on Friday directed the state government to take action against political figures who do not follow norms of social distancing and wearing of masks in public places thereby violating provisions under the Disaster Management Act. Taking note of these allegations, the bench said "If what is alleged is true, there were gross violations of social distancing …
Background With the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19, the governments of various countries and jurisdictions, including India have taken emergency measures and imposed curfews and lockdowns of all social, commercial and industrial activities. Invoking 'Force Majeure' – the defence for non-fulfilment of obligations under lending transactions There is a probability that the borrowers may assert that COVID-19 outbreak is a force …