Tamil Nadu seeks Rs 5,000-crore Central assistance for flood-ravaged Chennai
Deccan ChronicleNew Delhi: An interim Central assistance of Rs 5,000 crore has been sought by the Tamil Nadu government to provide relief to people and rebuild infrastructure damaged by incessant rains in Chennai and some other districts of the state. Raising the issue through a zero-hour mention in the Rajya Sabha, Tiruchi Siva, a leader of the DMK which rules the state, said heavy rains due to severe Cyclone Michaung have submerged Chennai and other districts. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin and the entire Cabinet, municipal corporation officials, fire department, sanitation workers, doctors, rescue teams and electricity department have been working on a war footing to rescue people and provide relief material. "I urge the Union government considering the condition of Tamil Nadu and five districts, kindly release Rs 5,000 crore as initial interim relief which would help the State government in their efforts to safeguard the people of Tamil Nadu," he said.