BENGALURU: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, who is all set to start department-wise review meetings for the 2025-26 budget, is likely to chalk out a plan meticulously to draw the attention of the 16th Finance Commission to get revenue deficit grants from the Centre. Sources told TNIE that he may not stick to presenting a surplus budget, but would showcase the gap …
Following the Union Budget, Opposition Chief Ministers have boycotted and walked out of the NITI Aayog meeting chaired by the Prime Minister alleging that the Centre is discriminating against non-NDA States. R. Ramakumar: There are different types of transfers from the Centre to States: devolution of taxes, loans, finance commission grants and, non-finance commission grants, which are essentially discretionary grants. …
BENGALURU : The four-volume report of the Fifteenth Finance Commission —titled “Finance Commission in Covid Times"—is rich in analysis. There were apprehensions that the Commission could reduce the states’ share in tax devolution—in fact, in its first report, it had stated that it would recommend sector-specific and performance-based grants in the final report. Local bodies On local bodies, the commission …
Cooperative federalism is a convenient advocacy tool when one wants to centralize decision-making. Even as the Union government has been asserting its commitment to the values of cooperative federalism, it has not hesitated to encroach on state subjects through centrally It is not surprising that while extending the tenure of the Fifteenth Finance Commission to 30 November 2019, through the …