Importance of standardisation, testing of alcoholic beverages stressed upon at symposium
3 weeks ago

Importance of standardisation, testing of alcoholic beverages stressed upon at symposium

The Hindu  

A Bureau of Indian Standards - Neutral spirit, also referred as rectified spirit, is a highly distilled alcohol with a very high ethanol content, which is odourless, tasteless, and lacks distinctive flavour because it is purified through continuous distillation and is mainly used for production of several alcoholic drinks. He also emphasised the previous research activities in MFT Department on alcoholic fermentation using different locally available fruits, including seed coat of cashew, mahua flowers. Quality, safety, and efficiency Disha Zanwar, Deputy Director, BIS, Manak Bhavan, New Delhi, and Member-Secretary FAD29 Sectional Committee, in her address, stressed upon the role of BIS in ensuring quality, safety, and efficiency through standardisation, and different levels of standards formulation process and also BIS’s structured approach to developing and revising standards, ongoing R and D projects, and global alignment efforts. DrAjay Kumar Sharma, Principal Scientist, ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune, spoke about the importance of standardisation and testing of alcoholic beverages, which are vital in maintaining product quality, ensuring compliance with safety regulations. Earlier in the day, BIS had organised the 10th sectional committee meeting at CSIR- CFTRI, to discuss various aspects on setting the standards for different alcoholic beverages, like IMFL and other traditional alcoholic beverages.

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