How To Fix Your Credit Score If It Got Dinged During The Pandemic
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING The economic pain caused by the coronavirus pandemic keeps getting worse. “In fact, several federal and state regulators have already issued guidance to lenders encouraging financial institutions to work constructively with affected consumers, small business owners and communities.” For example, your lender may work with you to increase your available credit, set up a deferred payment plan or temporarily place the loan in forbearance. “The first and most important factor in your credit scores is your payment history,” said Christina Lucey, director of product and financial advocate at Credit Karma. “Even one missed payment can hurt your credit score, so do everything you can to not miss a payment entirely,” Lucy said. “If they have a great payment history and have had the card for several years, you could benefit from that credit history which will help improve your score,” Wahl said.