Govt. approves ₹1,500 crore action plan for Kalyana Karnataka region against budget promise of ₹3,000 crore
The HinduAmid allegations of delay in the release of funds and discrimination in its allocation for macro projects, the State government has approved a ₹1,500-crore action plan to take up about 1,400 works across seven districts of Kalyana Karnataka region as against the allocation of ₹3,000 crore to the Kalyana Karnataka Regional Development Board in the 2022-23 Budget. Sources said that while the Chief Minister approved the works for about ₹1,500 crore last month, the action plan for about ₹1,200 crore by the board was approved now. However, sources pointed out that the actual benefit to the Kalyana Karnataka region will be meagre since ₹1,000 crore under the special development programme had been merged with the funds for the action plan. If the loss of ₹200 crore from the SDP is calculated, the board gets about ₹1,800, a ₹300 crore increase from the annual ₹1,500 allocation.” Of the total 1,428 works for which funds have been approved, ₹862.16 crore has been set aside for 1,323 works classified as micro projects, and ₹ 268.4 crore has been released for 89 works classified as macro works.