Kalyan Jewellers shares dropped by 6.2 per cent in early trading on Wednesday, January 8, reaching a low of ₹677.55 on the BSE. The stock declined after investors engaged in profit booking, following the company's Q3 update that highlighted a year-on-year revenue growth of nearly 41 per cent. Kalyan Jewellers experienced a revenue increase of around 22 per cent in …
Kalyan Jewellers share price jumped over 4% in early trade on Tuesday after the company reported its business updates for the third quarter of FY25. Kalyan Jewellers India said it recorded a consolidated revenue growth of approximately 39% in Q3FY25 as compared to the same period in the previous financial year. The company’s India operations witnessed revenue growth of approximately …
Las historias de inmigración han sido una parte definitoria de la narrativa en pantalla que Hollywood ha asignado a los latinos en Estados Unidos, una que cuando es contada por aquellos que no tienen suficiente conocimiento o interés en la amplia gama de experiencias de la comunidad, perjudica en el sentido de que generaliza y promueve las representaciones estereotípicas. Subvertir …