The price of looking and feeling good 美容舒心的成本
China Daily随身英语 The price of looking and feeling good 美容舒心的成本 Play audio file 英国普通家庭每年用于美容和美发的支出占家庭预算的2%。这其中包括洗漱用品、化妆品和相关电器的花销。相比之下,受女性欢迎的护理包括去美发店吹发,而男性则尤其会花钱做按摩和面部护理。本期 “随身英语” 聊一聊美容舒心所需的成本。 词汇:beauty 美容 How much do you spend on looking after yourself each month? Though men and women visit spas more or less equally, according to the International Spa Association, or ISPA, men spend more on treatments. A national survey in 2019 found that male participants spend more on massages and facials per year than women – £501 to £445. 词汇表 look after 护理,善待 hairdresser 理发师 gym membership 健身房会员 pamper 精心护理 massage 按摩 toiletries 洗漱用品 cosmetics 化妆品 electrical appliance 电器 hairdryer 吹风机 aesthetic 美的 salon 美容院,美发店 client 客户,顾客 lash 睫毛 lip filler 丰唇 blow dry 吹发 spa 水疗中心 treatment 护理 facial 面部护理 lifestyle choice 生活方式的选择 wellness 健康 treat 犒劳 测验与练习 1. A national survey in 2019 found that male participants spend more on massages and facials per year than women, £501 to £445.
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研究: 英国男性比女性更爱美
China Daily
研究: 英国男性比女性更爱美
China Daily
研究: 英国男性比女性更爱美
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