Two Glasses of Cola a Day Can Kill You Faster, Says New Study
News 18If you are a soft drink addict and constantly thrive on coloured, flavoured colas then you must be cautious now and restrict from having them here on. A recent study has found out that consumption of soft drinks, whether sweetened with sugar of artificial sweeteners may be associated with an increased risk of premature death. According to the latest study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, people who drink two or more glasses of soft drinks per day had a higher risk of mortality from all causes than those who consumed less than one glass per month. The study also observed specific association between artificially sweetened soft drinks with deaths from circulatory diseases and sugar-sweetened soft drinks with deaths from digestive diseases. “We found that compared with those reporting low consumption, participants who reported high consumption of soft drinks were at greater risk of all-cause death in our study sample,” eHEALTH reported Neil Murphy, one of the study’s lead authors, based at International Agency for Research on Cancer in France, as saying.