Body ka pain dikhta hain, dil ka chot dikhta nahi: Pujara's father talks about his son like never before
1 year, 10 months ago

Body ka pain dikhta hain, dil ka chot dikhta nahi: Pujara's father talks about his son like never before

India TV News  

In 2006, Cheteshwar Pujara finished a district-level game and called his mother, Reena to ask his father, Arvind to pick him up from the Rajkot bus stand. Despite enduring physical blows from Australia's pacers and the tragic loss of his mother, Cheteshwar Pujara has a remarkably high pain threshold and unwavering determination. Arvind, also brought his son to Mumbai to seek the advice of former India cricketer and renowned coach, Karsan Ghavri, on whether he should devote more time to his son's development as a player. "Body ka pain toh dikhta hain, lekin andruni chot, dil ka chot dikhta nahi was just starting out had advised him, 'Don't take painkillers when you get hurt.

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