High powered committee comprising of PM Modi, SC Judge and Kharge sacks CBI Director Alok Verma
Op IndiaA day after CBI director Alok Verma resumed his duties after Supreme Court had reinstated him putting aside the decision of the union government to send him on leave, the high powered committee constituted to look into his fate has decided to remove him from the post. Alok Verma removed as CBI chief after selection panel chaired by PM Modi meets pic.twitter.com/NIi4pcyd3f — NDTV January 10, 2019 In October last year, the government had removed Verma and CBI special director Rakesh Asthana from duties after both had made serious allegations against each other publicly. The Supreme Court had ordered that a High Power Committee will have to decide on fate of the CBI director, comprising the prime minister, leader of the largest opposition party and the Chief Justice of India. The committee took the decision to remove Verma from his post of CBI director.