A special court in Delhi on Friday directed the Central Bureau of Investigation to give three days prior written notice to Congress MP from Sivaganga of Tamil Nadu Karti Chidambaram in a fresh corruption case lodged against him. Special judge, Kaveri Baweja of the Rouse Avenue Court says the investigating agency, which is CBI in the said case, shall give …
The Jharkhand High Court dismissed a contempt petition filed by an advocate, observing that it was not maintainable under the Contempt of Courts Act as the petitioner lacked locus and failed to fulfil mandatory requirements for initiating such proceedings. Justice Sanjay Kumar Dwivedi, in its decision, observed, “It is well settled if a private party seeks punishment for contempt of …
The Delhi high court on Monday sought the Centre’s stand on a Muslim woman’s plea seeking regulation of the practice of bigamy or polygamy which is allowed under Muslim law. The woman sought directions to the Union government to frame a law to regulate the practice of bigamy or polygamy contracted by a Muslim husband under Shariat with provisions of …