Advertising Campaign Can Be Protected Under Intellectual Property Law If It Has Become Distinctive, Threshold High: Delhi High Court
Live LawThe Delhi High Court has observed that an advertising campaign can be granted protection in law, if it signifies the source and has become distinctive of the party while adding that the threshold for establishing distinctiveness would however be quite high in such a case. Defendant No.2 was YouTube platform on which Defendant No.1's It was the plaintiff's case that in March of 2018 it started an advertising campaign in the form of a video titled "ZIDDI HOON MAIN" on various online platforms including YouTube etc. In January, 2022, the Plaintiff came across It was also the case of the Plaintiff that for the said It was the case of the Plaintiff that by the impugned adoption and use of similar scenes in the The question before the Court was that: Can an advertising campaign and its various elements be protected under intellectual property law? Thus, an advertising campaign including commercials are undoubtedly protectable under intellectual property law," the Court said.