Litigant's Conduct Trying To Protract Proceedings In Industrial Disputes Must Be Deprecated: Delhi High Court Imposes ₹20K Cost On Hospital
Live LawThe Delhi High Court has recently deprecated the conduct of litigants trying to protract proceedings in industrial disputes which involve “extreme disparity of resources available to the rival litigants.”Justice Girish Kathpalia further imposed Rs. The Delhi High Court has recently deprecated the conduct of litigants trying to protract proceedings in industrial disputes which involve “extreme disparity of resources available to the rival litigants.” Justice Girish Kathpalia further imposed Rs. 20,000 costs on management of RB Seth Jessa Ram Hospital for prolonging hearing before an industrial tribunal in a dispute which was pending since 2009 and for further protracting the proceedings by approaching the High Court as well as by filing a stay application. Justice Kathpalia also said that the Industrial Tribunal adopted a perfectly justified approach by first granting pass-over so that the witnesses would not go unexamined and thereafter offered them for cross examination by the authorized representatives of the hospital management and finally adjourning the matter with costs to be paid to the witnesses, who had wasted their day and were to come again.