Home Depot using secret AI technology at self-checkouts to catch shoplifters
10 months ago

Home Depot using secret AI technology at self-checkouts to catch shoplifters

Daily Mail  

Home Depot is using a futuristic-sounding new weapon to stop shoplifting at its self-checkouts - using AI to constantly watch customers. Ann-Marie Campbell, a vice-president at the chain, quietely revealed the move while speaking to analysts during its recent earnings update, where Home Depot reported a fall in sales for far this year. Home Depot's Ann-Marie Campbell said 'computer vision' would be used to stop shoplifting at self-checkout kiosks The 'computer vision' technology was intially developed by Home Depot to help staff keep track of stock. Like Home Depot, Target only provided limited details of the move to customers - instead also preferring to update investors. Self-checkout machines are especially vulnerable to theft since shoplifters can either not scan items or scan cheaper items Target is deploying new scanners to combat theft at its self-checkout machines, which will roll out to all stores by the end of the year Some of the largest retailers have taken steps this year to reverse the failed self-checkout experiment.

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