6 Minimally Invasive Facial Treatments Doctors Said They Would Never Get
Huff PostYulia Reznikov via Getty Images Would you get a facial treatment your doctor would never get themselves? Dr. Shereene Idriss, a board-certified dermatologist known for commenting on various skin issues and treatments on social media, has warned against injecting filler directly into the pyriform fossa, the hollow just outside the outer corners of the nose, saying repeated injections there could make you “look muzzly and off.” Dr. Usha Rajagopal, a plastic surgeon and medical director at San Francisco Plastic Surgery and Laser Center, expressed similar concerns. The only filler that has ever been shown to spread and travel considerable distances was liquid silicone, whose use has been taboo for decades.” “Well-placed filler can make a remarkable difference, and I would do and have done it everywhere except my jawline, lips and nose,” said Dr. Corey L. Hartman, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Skin Wellness Dermatology in Birmingham, Alabama. Potential side effects: pigmentation or other damage to dark skin Similarly to intense peels, certain types of laser treatments, usually those that are thermal and ablative, may cause big problems for dark skin. Potential side effects: Pain, infection Threads, often used for a “fox eyelift” or a mini facelift, are supposed to last six to 12 months, but many people see the product sticking out the sides of their face long after, never fully dissolving, which can cause intense pain, infection and other side effects, according to a few TikTok videos.