4 years, 5 months ago


China Daily  

How to tell a covidiot from a maskhole: learning the language of the pandemic 几个月前,没有人知道blursday是什么意思,而quarantini这个词会让人以为拼写错误,像这样伴随新冠疫情产生的新词还有很多。来看看BBC专家对这些新词的解读。 Photo by Kobby Mendez on Unsplash Blursday: when all the days blur into one another and you’re not sure if it’s Sunday or Thursday 模糊日:日子都过混了,搞不清是周日还是周四 Quarantinini: what started off as a concoction of Vitamin D, orange juice and vodka for an immune-building drink, is now just any cocktail you drink during lockdown 隔离鸡尾酒:一开始指的是维他命D、橙汁和伏特加调成的增强免疫力的饮料,现在用来指隔离期间喝的任何鸡尾酒 Loxit: the exiting from lockdown and its rules 脱封:脱离封锁和封锁期间的规定 Lockstalgia : we may look back fondly upon the time of lockdown and save up stories to tell our grandchildren 怀念封锁时光:我们可能会深情地回顾这段封锁时光,并留下几个可以讲给孙辈听的故事 Screenshot from BBC Covidiot: someone who is behaving irresponsibly or flouting government instructions in the face of the virus 新冠白痴:在新冠疫情下做出不负责任的行为或无视政府指令的人 Morona: a person behaving like an imbecile directly because of the outbreak 新冠傻瓜:因为疫情暴发而表现得很愚蠢的人 Coronalusional: suffering from disordered thinking as a result of, or during, the COVID-19 crisis 新冠妄想症:由于新冠疫情危机而变得思维混乱 Doomscrolling: scrolling through social media and seeing a continuous stream of doom and gloom 阴暗刷屏:刷社交媒体,看见一屏又一屏的愁云惨淡 Photo by freestocks on Unsplash Quaran-stream: binge-watching several TV series and/or movies while in lockdown 隔离追剧:在封锁期间一口气看完多部电视剧或电影 Zumped: ‘dumped’ by a partner via video link or online 视频分手:通过视频会议软件被甩 Spendemic: the increase in online shopping while confined during the coronavirus 疫情消费:疫情期间居家隔离时网购增多 Maskhole: someone refusing to wear a mask despite notices being in place 口罩混蛋:(政府)发了通知却依旧拒绝戴口罩的人 英文来源:BBC 翻译&编辑:丹妮

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4 years, 5 months ago

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