Doctors: More parents refuse COVID tests for their sick kids
Associated PressOVERLAND PARK, Kan. — Doctors are reporting that more parents are refusing to have their sick children tested for the coronavirus because they don’t want to deal with the hassle if the result is positive. Pediatric Partners in the Kansas City suburb of Overland Park recently posted an alert on its Facebook page exhorting parents to stay vigilant because so many weren’t following testing advice, The Kansas City Star reports. “We’ve had parents tell us, for instance, ‘No we have a big tournament this weekend, I don’t want to have to deal with COVID,’” said Pediatrician Kristen Stuppy. “For many kids it seems like it’s a mild disease and I think they’re banking on that,” Stuppy said of parents. “But they’re forgetting that some kids get really sick.” Statewide, just 38.1% of residents were at least partially vaccinated as of Wednesday, up just 1.1 percentage points from a week ago and 3.1 percentage points from two weeks ago as the rate of immunizations slows.