After 2011 Mumbai blasts, Manmohan mulled hitting Pak: Cameron
5 years, 3 months ago

After 2011 Mumbai blasts, Manmohan mulled hitting Pak: Cameron

The Quint  

London, Sep 19 Former British Prime Minister David Cameron, in his memoir "For the Record" released on Thursday, says that he got along well with his then Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who he describes as a "saintly man". "On a later visit, he told me that another terrorist attack like that in Mumbai in July 2011 and India would have to take military action against Pakistan." Cameron, who resigned in the wake of the 2016 Brexit referendum vote, makes several references about his "India doctrine" in the memoir. The referendum turned into a Conservative party psychodrama, he writes, and he was "hugely depressed" about leaving his post as Prime Minister.

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