13 films that made audiences faint and be sick: ‘I couldn’t take it anymore’
The IndependentGet our free weekly email for all the latest cinematic news from our film critic Clarisse Loughrey Get our The Life Cinematic email for free Get our The Life Cinematic email for free SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. This James Franco drama – based on the real story of climber Aron Ralston’s self-amputation – led to three people fainting and one person having a seizure when it premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in 2010. Earlier that year – at the film’s premiere in Cannes – four people fainted, while its debut at the Toronto Film Festival led to at least one person vomiting. “You are all my guests, it’s not the other way round.” Prometheus There were reports of cinemagoers fainting during the first Alien in 1979, and audiences hadn’t become desensitised by 2012, either. Because he’s very good at his job, the film’s publicist Ryan Werner quickly rushed out a statement confirming the story: “An ambulance had to be called to the scene as the film became too much for a couple patrons.” Titane Making Raw look like an episode of Junior Masterchef, Ducournau’s follow-up Titane doubled down on the gore.
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13 movies that made audiences faint and be sick
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