London bushfire benefit raises over $84,000 for victims and wildlife
ABCAn Australian Bushfire Benefit concert hosted by the Royal Academy of Music in London on 1 March has raised over $84,000 for victims of the Australian bushfires and affected wildlife. The concert featured a line-up of superstar Australian talent including Simone Young, Amy Dickson and Stuart Skelton, and a diverse range of primarily Australian music. According to organisers Betts-Dean and O’Donnell, the feeling among performers and audience during the concert was “electric.” For them, the concert helped the organising team to express the sorrow they felt following the bushfires: “…we had been holding on to this sense of sorrow, and joining together through music gave us all a space to release it together, in a positive way. Betts-Dean and O’Donnell expressed their thanks for those who made the Australian Bushfire Benefit possible: “The whole day was an amazing and moving celebration of Australian spirit and culture.