7 Pieces Of Parenting Advice Everyone Could Use Right Now
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING Staying home, as essential as it is right now, is no easy feat. It’s just an innate social need to process.” ― Ashley Merryman, co-author of Nurture Shock and Top Dog “I recommend families spend some one-on-one with each family member to maintain and improve their individual relationships. So, have each family member sit back-to-back with another with arms intertwined at the elbows and breathe together.” ― Dr. Michele Borba, educational psychologist and author of “UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed In An All-About-Me World” “Deep breathing is huge and practicing what is called radical acceptance, which is a skill that basically teaches us that we’re in a situation right now that we don’t have power over that we can’t really change. This is a good time to give each other a break.” ― Dr. Richard Weissbourd, senior lecturer on education and faculty director, Human Development and Psychology at Harvard’s Graduate School Of Education “Remember that people express stress in very different ways and don’t be negative about ways of expressing stress unless they’re harmful to others.” ― Dr. Richard Weissbourd” “Do ‘positives.’ A fun, quick way to count your blessings. This can become a family ritual that endures beyond the virus.” ― Dr. Thomas Lickona, developmental psychologist and author of “How to Raise Kind Kids” “Be mindful of people’s time and space.
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