US panda fans can 'bearly' wait for pair's debut
China DailyQing Bao enjoys a bamboo breakfast at the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, DC, on Thursday. YIFAN XU/CHINA DAILY The official debut of two giant pandas, Bao Li and Qing Bao, at the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, DC, is fast approaching, and fans of the furry pair of Ailuropoda melanoleuca specimens can "bearly" wait. "We were incredibly excited to welcome Bao Li and Qing Bao to the National Zoo three months ago," Michael Brown-Palsgrove, curator of giant pandas and the Asia Trail, told China Daily during a media preview event hosted by the zoo on Thursday. Matthew Sellers, a landscape architect at the zoo, told China Daily that he and his team made improvements to all four interior habitats as well as the three outdoor yards, including replacing the old concrete climbing structures with black locust woods to make it warmer and softer in the bears' living spaces, adding new climbing structures and tree trunks in the yards, modernizing the fire alarm and evacuation systems, and improving and upgrading all of the cameras outside and inside. And then as Bao Li and Qing Bao get used to our routines here, they're also now starting to get into the medical training to be active participants in their medical care," Steeil told China Daily, adding that they've just started the training for blood samples, ultrasound, heart monitoring and examining their mouths, paws and feet.