Giant panda twins, born to Ying Ying, a giant panda gifted by the central government to Hong Kong, celebrated their 100th day on Saturday. According to Ocean Park, the panda twins have grown teeth, with the female panda cub, initially weighing 122 grams at birth, now weighing 5.3 kg, and the male panda cub's weight increasing from 112 grams at …
Giant panda twins, born to Ying Ying, a giant panda gifted by the central government to Hong Kong, celebrated their 100th day on Saturday. HONG KONG - Giant panda twins, born to Ying Ying, a giant panda gifted by the central government to Hong Kong, celebrated their 100th day on Saturday. "I'm so delighted that Hong Kong has a new …
Giant pandas Bao Di and Bao Mei make their final public appearance at Pairi Daiza on Sunday, before starting a monthlong quarantine to facilitate their journey to China on Dec 10. Giant panda Tian Bao and panda twins Bao Di and Bao Mei made their final public appearance at Pairi Daiza on Sunday, before starting a monthlong quarantine to facilitate …