Calls for royal commission into racing industry after emails show Racing NSW was told about prohibited thoroughbred sales
5 years, 2 months ago

Calls for royal commission into racing industry after emails show Racing NSW was told about prohibited thoroughbred sales


There are growing calls for a royal commission into the racing industry after the ABC revealed emails proving Racing NSW was told more than a year ago about the unauthorised sale of thoroughbreds for slaughter at a livestock auction in Camden, NSW. Key points: Racing NSW said last week it had never been told thoroughbreds were being sold at Camden Horse Sales, an auction not approved by the regulator But former trainer Sandra Jorgensen said she reported to Racing NSW in mid-2018 the sale of a branded, one-eyed filly at Camden to a business run by a killbuyer Racing NSW told Ms Jorgensen it could not act because the business is in Victoria, but there is a business with an almost identical name belonging to the owner of NSW knackery Burns Pet Foods The NSW regulator has publicly denied any previous knowledge of thoroughbreds being sold off at the Camden Horse Sales prior to 7:30 bringing it to Racing NSW's attention last week. Racing NSW told about prohibited thoroughbred sales in 2018, emails reveal The emails obtained by the ABC prove Racing NSW was alerted to the sale of thoroughbreds for slaughter at an unapproved livestock auction as early as June 2018, but refused to rescue one horse or investigate further. Racing NSW repeatedly denied any knowledge of the Camden Horse Sales prior to the ABC bringing it to the regulator's attention in the days before the 7.30 story aired. Emails reveal Camden Horse Sales was reported to Racing NSW in 2018 The ABC has obtained a series of emails sent between Racing NSW and ex-trainer turned horse rescuer Sandra Jorgensen.

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