Paula Jorgensen made the move to a modest share house in the leafy, eastern Victorian town of Nowa Nowa in 2016, as a way of opting out of "heavy duty, extractive city life". "One of the reasons I left the city was because I felt like from the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep, I …
The evolution of Pub Choir for the age of coronavirus, Couch Choir, has drawn more than 1,000 videos from across the world as they strive to bring people together during social isolation. The social organisation Pub Choir began in Brisbane in 2017 drawing hundreds of people together to learn harmonies and record popular songs. "We wanted to get people to …
There are growing calls for a royal commission into the racing industry after the ABC revealed emails proving Racing NSW was told more than a year ago about the unauthorised sale of thoroughbreds for slaughter at a livestock auction in Camden, NSW. Key points: Racing NSW said last week it had never been told thoroughbreds were being sold at Camden …