Most awaited Tamil films of 2020, from Rajinikanth's untitled film to Vijay's Master and Soorarai Pottru
FirstpostThis year in Tamil cinema seems to offer an intriguing film in the pipeline from almost every actor out there. The year 2019 was an interesting one for Tamil cinema, with big films having the better success rate as opposed to the usual Kollywood trend of smaller features bearing better fruit. Rajinikanth and Siva’s untitled film Another enticing combination that came together by the end of last year was that of Superstar Rajinikanth and director Siva, who have joined hands for the star’s 168th film. Cobra Chiyaan Vikram’s massive biggie with Imaikkaa Nodigal director Ajay Gnanamuthu is another film that won’t miss the list, thanks to scale at which it is being made. Mafia Young director Karthick Naren’s Mafia had two impressive teasers put out in 2019, and with the film gearing up for a release in the first quarter of the year, good things are in store.