Actors Shahid Kapoor and Tripti Dimri have commenced shooting for their upcoming action thriller film, the makers said on Monday. The upcoming untitled movie comes 15 years after Bhardwaj and Kapoor started their collaboration with critically-acclaimed movie Kaminey, which was followed by Haider in 2014 and Rangoon in 2017. Kapoor will be seen next in the action thriller Deva, in …
Actors Aditya Roy Kapur and Sanjana Sanghi on Thursday started shooting for "Om- The Battle Within". "Most stoked for my next action-thriller 'Om: The Battle Within'," she added. Sanjana Sanghi, who is known for her performance in Dil Bechara will play the lead actress named Kavya in the film. Earlier, Talking about the film, Sanjana told Mumbai Mirror: "I explored …