Love venting with friends? Study says complaining about others can make you more well-liked in your social circle
7 months, 1 week ago

Love venting with friends? Study says complaining about others can make you more well-liked in your social circle

Hindustan Times  

We all love venting to our best friends or friend circle about things or another mutual acquaintance that annoys us. Venting may be a uniquely effective social strategy The study, published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, was conducted by Dr Jaimie Krems, an associate professor of psychology at UCLA, and her colleagues. It can feel good to vent, but venting doesn't reliably decrease anger and sometimes even amplifies anger.” A new study by UCLA psychologists suggests that venting is more than an emotional release. "We tested a novel alliance view of venting - that under certain parameters, venting can make the people we vent to support us over the people we vent about," Dr Krems explains.

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