Diwali was a different experience for actor Neetu Kapoor this year after the passing away of actor husband Rishi Kapoor in April. Neetu Kapoor with Anil Kapoor, his wife Sunita and Varun Dhawan on Diwali. Meanwhile, Neetu’s actor son Ranbir Kapoor celebrated Diwali with actor girlfriend Alia Bhatt in Mumbai. Sharing the group family picture on Instagram, she had written, …
Are you guilty of picking up the phone and venting to a friend, family member or even colleague without thinking twice? "We don't get that feedback where they look stressed or frazzled or upset — so it doesn't even occur to us to stop for a minute and ask: is this a decent time?" "We don't stop and think they …
CNN — The COVID-19 pandemic is different from many crises in that it has affected all of us regardless of politics, economics, religion, age or nationality. This angry mom's rant about homeschooling children while in quarantine goes viral Complaining and venting Humans are a social species, which means sharing one’s thoughts, feelings and experiences. Martin Seligman, director of the Positive …