Doctor’s Note: Can coronavirus spread through the air?
Al JazeeraA doctor explains what we know about how the coronavirus is transmitted – and what we do not. We know that the virus’s main route of transmission from one person to another is through droplets which are sneezed or coughed out by infected people. However long the virus can last, while it is in the air in droplets, anyone within two metres of the cough or sneeze can breathe it in and become infected. The virus may also remain airborne in much tinier droplets, according to some emerging evidence published in the same journal this week by scientists at Princeton University, University of California Los Angeles and the US research agency, the National Institutes of Health – though not in significant quantities. This means the virus remains suspended in the air in very tiny water droplets – smaller than the ones coughed or sneezed – long after larger droplets have fallen to surfaces or been breathed in.