Kerala High Court Urges State Transport Commissioner To Ensure Motor Vehicles Strictly Follow Safety Standards
Live LawThe Kerala High Court has directed the Transport Commissioner to take necessary steps to ensure strict compliance with its earlier directions issued in 2019, through the concerned officers of the Motor Vehicles Department against motor vehicles which violate the safety standards in the State. Justice Anil K. Narendran laid particular emphasis on the safety standards relating to lighting, light-signalling devices, vehicles fitted with unauthorised name board, emblem, flag and also multi-coloured red, blue and white lights intended for vehicles on designated emergency and disaster management duties; vehicles used on public places without displaying registration marks appropriately; vehicles pasted with cooling films on safety glass or fitted with sliding cloth curtains. On noticing that, despite the direction issued by this Court earlier, motor vehicles which are likely to endanger the safety of other road users were being permitted to be used in the public place in the State, this Court issued various directions to the Transport Commissioner, who was directed to file action taken report. Therefore, it was held that any person, who drives or causes or allows to be driven in any public place a motor vehicle violating the safety standards without maintaining lighting and light-signalling devices and also retro-reflectors as per the individual specifications, or after replacing the prototype approved lights, light- signalling devices and reflectors with after-market multi-coloured LED/laser/neon lights, flashlights, etc., shall be proceeded against under Section 190 with the imprisonment and fine specified therein.