THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Transport Minister K B Ganesh Kumar has directed the motor vehicle department to take stringent action against illegal rent-a-car operators. Vehicles can be lent to friends and relatives, but action will taken if it is used for a commercial purpose without registration and taxes, the minister said. A press note issued by the transport commissioner on Saturday stated that …
Five AstraZeneca staff have been detained in China amid claims of potential illegal activity at the British drug giant. Authorities in Shenzhen, China, are investigating how the company collected patient data, according to Bloomberg, as well as investigating the imports of a liver cancer drug yet to be approved in China. A spokesman for AstraZeneca said: “We are aware a …
ABUJA, Nigeria — Nigeria’s government is cracking down on illegal mining, making dozens of arrests of unlicensed miners since April for allegedly stealing the country’s lithium, a critical mineral used in batteries for electric vehicles, smartphones and power systems. Jimoh Bioku, a Kishi community leader, said there had been “clandestine searches” for the mineral at remote sites tucked away in …
Three young IT professionals from Velachery in Chennai travelled all the way to Alappuzha at the start of the last southwest monsoon season to experience a relaxing houseboat ride and stay. Illegal operations threatens businesses It is half past eight in the morning and the road leading to the Punnamada Finishing Point, the hub of houseboat tourism in Alappuzha, is …