‘Anyone can be a victim’: Sprawling AI fake nudes crisis hits South Korea
Live MintSEOUL—The victims were reportedly teachers, military officers, undergraduates and elementary-school students. Across a labyrinth of Telegram group chats, anonymous users submitted photos of South Korean girls and women without their permission that were manipulated into sexually explicit images and videos viewed by hundreds of thousands. South Korean singers and actresses accounted for roughly half of the individuals featured in deepfake pornography posted online, according to a 2023 report by Security Hero, an identity-fraud prevention company. But until the public outcry of recent days, South Korean police had cited Telegram’s overseas servers as a reason why investigating fake-nude cases was difficult, said Song Ran-hee, a representative for the Korea Women’s Hotline, a nonprofit supporting survivors of violence against women. More than 6,000 South Koreans this year requested the removal of faked pornographic images made without their consent, according to the state media regulator’s figures that run through July.
History of this topic

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