This facility is now home to 100,000 tonnes of low-level radioactive and chemical waste. It may serve as a blueprint for the Commonwealth
7 months, 2 weeks ago

This facility is now home to 100,000 tonnes of low-level radioactive and chemical waste. It may serve as a blueprint for the Commonwealth


In the Western Australian outback, a private company has quietly set up the nation's first disposal facility for low-level radioactive waste — burying it in a deep pit under a huge canopy. "In the past year we've accepted 6,000 cubic metres of radioactive material and in this entire cell we've accepted 100,000 tonnes of combined low-level radioactive waste and chemical waste," Tellus Holdings CEO Nate Smith told 7.30. "I think one of the most challenging parts about launching a low-level radioactive waste facility, or indeed, hazardous waste facilities, is building trust with your key stakeholders," he told 7.30. "We have almost 10,000 red drums of low-level solid radioactive waste," ANSTO spokeswoman Paula Berghofer said.

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