MLB will see 10 rookie umps replace veterans as position faces more changes, challenges than ever
New York TimesA flood of new umpires will patrol games this season with 10 rookies replacing retiring veterans across Major League Baseball, MLB vice president Michael Hill said last month. The umpires in green are rookies; the umps in red are retiring: Umpire accuracy 2022 Umpire ACC TOP Pat Hoberg 95.5 Jeremie Rehak 95.4 Adam Hamari 94.9 David Rackley 94.9 Tripp Gibson 94.9 BOTTOM Rob Drake 92.1 Malachi Moore 92.1 Greg Gibson 92.1 Jerry Layne 92.0 CB Bucknor 92.0 Marty Foster 91.7 Umpire expected accuracy 2022 Umpire AAX TOP Jeremie Rehak 2.03 Pat Hoberg 1.96 Alex Tosi 1.82 Lance Barksdale 1.68 Nic Lentz 1.51 BOTTOM Malachi Moore -1.00 Andy Fletcher -1.02 Greg Gibson -1.45 Jerry Layne -1.50 CB Bucknor -1.66 The group of the most accurate umpires should not be a surprise. They read about him every fourth day after a plate job, or they see him on a goofy call on the bases, and suddenly it seems much more personalized, like they’re attacking you and not necessarily just a uniform that made a call.” For a scale that intends to measure an umpire in a more holistic way, Umpire Scorecards offers average total run impact, which tries to add up the true impact of those missed calls. Here are those numbers: Umpire average total run impact 2022 Umpire AVG TRI TOP Jeremy Rehak 0.9 Pat Hoberg 0.9 Nic Lentz 1.0 Quinn Wolcott 1.0 Adam Hamari 1.0 Mark Ripperger 1.0 Mark Wegner 1.0 David Rackley 1.0 BOTTOM Ted Barrett 1.6 Tom Hallion 1.6 Jerry Layne 1.6 CB Bucknor 1.6 Ed Hickox 1.8 More familiar names.
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