Berlin freezes rent rises for five years in a bid to stop the city's gentrification 房价是一个全球性问题,即使在房价相对较低的柏林,政府也在为房租逼走人口而苦恼。房租上涨过快引发本地居民的不满,甚至要求从大业主那里征用房产。当地政府为此正在起草法案,要求从2020年起五年内不得涨房租,而业主联盟的对策则是在近期普涨房租。最后谁会赢得这场没有硝烟的战争呢? Photo by Levin on Unsplash Berlin's government has moved to freeze rents in the booming German capital for five years from 2020 in their latest bid to halt runaway gentrification. 房租猛增导致一些居民开始考虑激进的措施,包括呼吁从大业主手中夺走房产。 ponder: vt. 仔细考虑;衡量 housing stock: 住宅;住房存量 Alarmed by the trend, Berlin's city government …