SS Rajamouli is riding high on appreciation as his latest film RRR is receiving golden praises from all corners. While making the magnum opus was a task, the filmmaker recently at Dubai Expo revealed that his biggest fear was that Ram Charan would get injured while shooting his introduction scene. There are several noteworthy introduction scenes in Indian cinema and …
We’ve heard this smear over and over again. The claim that the Delhi riots of Feb 2020 were a ‘pogrom.’ At first, they would not even accept that people of both communities had suffered loss of life. The argument promptly evolved to something More victims belonged to community X and therefore, the Delhi riots had to be a pogrom. If …
With India entering a crucial phase in its fight against the Wuhan Coronavirus, the Indian Railways came up with a remarkably ingenious solution to support the country’s public health system. Follow real-time updates here: — Hindustan Times March 28, 2020 According to North Central Railway General Manager Rajiv Chaudhary, a train coach at the coaching depot in New …