iQoo is reportedly preparing to introduce the Neo 10R 5G smartphone in India, aiming to position it within the sub-Rs 30,000 segment. The Neo 10R 5G is expected to feature Qualcomm's Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 processor, complemented by up to 12GB of RAM. iQoo Neo 10R 5G: Price In India, Launch Date According to tipster Paras Guglani, the iQoo Neo …
The OnePlus 10R has received a price cut and it is now available for as low as Rs 32,999 during Amazon Diwali sale. One of them is the OnePlus 10R, and people can get it for an even lower price with bank as well as exchange offers. The OnePlus 10R was launched in India with a starting price of Rs …
OnePlus 10R has been launched in India. The OnePlus 10R’s USP is its 150W SuperVOOC fast charging support that can charge the phone from zero to 100 per cent in 17 minutes. The company has also launched an 80W SuperVOOC fast charging variant of the OnePlus 10R, which comes with a 5000 mAh battery. OnePlus claims that the chipset takes …